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【Pharmacology】Cholinergic Drug

Cholinergic Drug

Cholinergic neurons

  • primarily found within parasympathetic system
  • sympathetic innervation of sweat glands 
  • blood vessels in skeletal muscle


1. Cholinergic neurotransmission
2. Two types of cholinergic receptors
3. Drug--Cholinergic agonists
    a. Direct acting cholinergic agonists
    b. Indirect acting agonists reversible
        Ease the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease
    c. Indirect acting irreversible
4. Drug--Cholinergic antagonists
    a. Antimuscarinic agents (anticholinergic drugs)
    b. Ganglionic blockers
    c. Neuromuscular blockers
        ci. Nondepolarizing agents
        cii. Depolarizing agents
5. Reference

1. Cholinergic neurotransmission

i. Choline molecule is transported into the neuron by energy and sodium dependent transport system. Once inside, choline reacts with Acetyl coenzyme A (AcCoA) to form Acetylcholine. The enzyme responsible for catalyzing this reaction is Choline Acetyltransferase.

ii. Acetylcholine gets transported into presynaptic vesicle where it's protected from degradation. 

iii. The action potential causes the voltage-sensitive calcium channels to open. Thus allowing calcium to enter the axon. This leads to the fusion of the vesicle with the membrane and release of the acetylcholine from the terminal.

iv. Acetylcholine binds to postsynaptic receptor which leads to cholinergic response. Acetylcholine also binds to presynaptic receptors and inhibit the release of more acetylcholine. This serves as a negative feedback loop.

v. The enzyme called acetylcholinesterase, terminates acetylcholine function at the synaptic cleft by breaking it down to acetate and choline.

vi. The free choline is taken up again by the presynaptic neuron and the whole cycle gets repeated

Cholinergic neurotransmission

2. Two types of cholinergic receptors

Muscarinic receptors: G protein-coupled receptors
  • M1: Gastric glands
    • Gq:  increase in intracellular levels of calcium 
  • M2: Cardiac cells
    • Gi: opening of potassium channels → hyperpolarization → reduction of heart rate
  • M3: 
    • Smooth muscle in the eye, lungs, digestive tract 
    • Exocrine glands such as sweat and salivary
    • Gq:  increase in intracellular levels of calcium 
  • M4
  • M5 

Nicotinic receptors: ligand-gated ion channels
    • when acetylcholine binds to them these receptors, will undergo conformational change that allows sodium ions to flow into the cells.
  • Nm:  found on neuromuscular junction
    • responsible for muscle contraction
  • Nn: found in the central nervous system & autonomic ganglia
    • involved in transmission of cholinergic signals

cholinergic receptors

3. Drug--Cholinergic agonists

Three groups: Direct acting, Indirect acting reversible, Indirect acting irreversible

a. Direct acting cholinergic agonists

simply mimic the effects of acetylcholine by binding to either muscarinic or nicotinic receptors

i. Acetylcholine

  • Problem: Clinical use is very limited
    • produces nonspecific cholinergic effects
    • rapidly inactivated by cholinesterases
  • Side effect: 
    • decreases cardiac output and heart rate 
    • decreases blood pressure 
    • increases GI activity
  • Usage: ophthalmic solution
    • used to produce miosis during eye surgery

ii. Carbachol

  • Problem: Limited therapeutic use
    • structurally similar to acetylcholine
    • effectively mimics effects of acetylcholine
  • Pros: Long duration of action
    • not very susceptible to acetylcholinesterases
  • Usage: used only locally to constrict pupil during eye surgery and to decrease intraocular pressure

iii. Pilocarpine

  • Usage: treating acute glaucoma attack
    • acts on smooth muscle of the eye to constrict the pupil 
    • increases aqueous outflow which results in rapid drop in intraocular pressure

iv. Bethanechol

  • Given orally or subcutaneously
  • Usage: treat urinary retention or to treat gastrointestinal lack of muscular tone
    • selectively stimulates urinary and gastrointestinal tract

Direct acting cholinergic agonists

Indirect acting agonists

  • binding to acetylcholinesterase enzyme that catalyzes breakdown of acetylcholine 
  • results in buildup of acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft and corresponding effects

Indirect acting agonists

b. Indirect acting agonists reversible

i. Edrophonium

  • reversibly binds to acetylcholineesterase
  • very short duration of action 👉 about 10 to 20 minutes
  • Usage: diagnosis of myasthenia gravis
    • myasthenia gravis is a neuromuscular disease which is caused by antibodies that block acetylcholine receptors which leads to muscle weakness
    • administered to a patient with myasthenia gravis 👉 rapid increase in muscle strength

ii. Physostigmine

  • stimulates both nicotinic and muscarinic receptors
  • intermediate acting agent: duration of action of about 30 minutes to 2 hours
  • Usage: overdoses of anticholinergic drugs such as Atropine

iii. Neostigmine

  • intermediate acting agent
  • unlike Physostigmine its structure is more polar
    • × absorb well from the GI tract
    • × enter the CNS
  • Usage: symptoms of myasthenia gravis
    • stimulate bladder and GI tract 
    • reverse the effects of anesthesia from neuromuscular blocking agents

iv. Pyridostigmine

similar to Neostigmine

Side effect of Indirect acting agonists reversible

due to overstimulation of cholinergic receptors---"DUMBBELS"

sign of Organophosphate poisoining

  • Diarrhea 
  • Urination 
  • Miosis / muscle weakness 
  • Bronchorrhea 
  • Bradycardia 
  • Emesis
  • Lacrimation 
  • Salivation

Ease the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease

Function: enhance cholinergic effects and lead to improved cognitive function

*none of these agents can stop the progression of Alzheimer's disease

Drug: Donepezil, Rivastigmine & Galantamine

c. Indirect acting irreversible

  • many of these drugs are extremely toxic 
  • were developed by the military as nerve agents 
    • eg, sarin gas

i. Echothiophate

  • forms covalent bonds with acetylcholinesterase 👉 very strong cholinergic stimulation
  • Usage: treatment of open-angle glaucoma

4. Drug--Cholinergic antagonists

Three groups: Antimuscarinic agents, Ganglionic blockers, Neuromuscular blockers

a. Antimuscarinic agents (anticholinergic drugs)

Block muscarinic receptors 👉 causing inhibition of muscarinic functions

i. Atropine

  • Primary sites of actions: Eye, GI tract, Heart, Salivary, Sweat and Lacrimal glands
  • Antimuscarinic activity of Atropine in the eye
    • relaxation of ciliary muscle, cause
    • dilation of the pupil (Mydriasis)
    • inability to focus visually (Cycloplegia)
    • Unresponsiveness to light
  • Usage: before an eye exam or eye surgery
    • treat certain inflammatory conditions of the eye
  • Long duration of action 
    • other antimuscarinic agents such as Cyclopentolate and Tropicamide are preferred over Atropine
  • Duration of produce mydriasis: last for days
    • Cyclopentolate and Tropicamide: lasts for hours
  • blocks M3 receptors in GI tract 
    • reduction of GI motility from stomach to colon
    • prolonged gastric emptying & lengthen intestinal transit time
  • block M2 receptors on the SA node and AV node (at higher doses)
    • produces tachycardia heart rate may increase by as much as 30 to 40 beats per minute
  • blocking muscarinic receptors on salivary sweat and lacrimal glands
    • produces dry mouth dry skin and ultimately causes body temperature to rise

ii. Scopolamine

One of the most effective medications used for prevention of motion sickness and post-operative nausea and vomiting as it unlike Atropine has a much greater effect on the CNS as well as longer duration of action.

Available in a patch formulation that provides effects lasting up to three days

iii. Ipratropium and Tiotropium

block muscarinic acetylcholine receptors without specificity for subtypes

  • → decreased contractility of smooth muscle in the lungs
  • → bronchodilation and reduction of mucus secretion


  • inhalation for maintenance treatment of bronchospasms in patients with COPD Ipratropium
  • treatment of rhinorrhea which is runny nose
    • nasal spray formulation 

Difference between Ipratropium and Tiotropium

Tiotropium is a long-acting agent that is dosed once daily 

Ipratropium is a short-acting agent that typically requires up to four times daily dosing

iv. Tolterodine, Darifenacin, Solifenacin, Oxybutynin, Trospium and Fesoterodine

  • Usage: treatment of overreactive bladder
    • varying selectivity for the M3 receptor, which is the main receptor involved in bladder function

v. Benztropine and Trihexyphenidyl 

  • muscarinic blockers
  • Usage: treatment of Parkinson-like disorders
    • suppress central cholinergic activity

Anticholinergic adverse effects


  • A: Agitation
  • B: Blurred vision
  • C: Constipation and Confusion
  • D: Dry mouth
  • s: stasis of urine and sweating

b. Ganglionic blockers

i. Nicotine

  • Although Nicotine is a cholinergic agonist, it is also considered a functional antagonist because of its ability to stimulate and then block cholinergic function 
  • acts on the nicotinic receptors of both parasympathetic and sympathetic autonomic ganglia
  • increased release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine
  • Nicotine is a nonselective it stimulates and later depresses autonomic ganglia
    • eg, Nicotine stimulates CNS which at high enough doses can lead to convulsions and then it depresses CNS which can lead to respiratory paralysis
    • by stimulating adrenal medulla and sympathetic ganglia, nicotine increases blood pressure and heart rate
      • at higher doses it can cause blood pressure to fall
    • in GI system, nicotine increases the motility which can lead to nausea and vomiting
  • Cons: addiction due to CNS stimulation that produces increased alertness and surge of well-being

Ganglionic blockers

c. Neuromuscular blockers

Block the cholinergic transmission between motor nerve endings and nicotinic receptors on the skeletal muscle

Nerve ending meets the skeletal muscle fiber

  • nicotinic receptors to which acetylcholine can bind and induce their opening 
  • opening of these channels let sodium ions to enter the muscle fiber
  • trigger muscular action potential 
  • the potential travels along the surface of sarcolemma which is the excitable membrane that surrounds those cylindrical structures known as myofibrils
  • then the action potential travels through T-tubule system which penetrates into the fiber
  • the arrival of action potential causes calcium to be released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum
  • muscle contraction

Neuromuscular blockers

Conclusion: action potential causes release of acetylcholine, channels open, sodium goes in, triggers another action potential, calcium gets released and muscle contracts

Neuromuscular blocking agents work at the junction by interacting with these nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.
Two groups: Nondepolarizing agents, Depolarizing agents

ci. Nondepolarizing agents

  • Competitive antagonists:  bind to acetylcholine receptors but they don't induce ion channel opening
    • prevent depolarization of the muscle cell membrane and thus effectively inhibit muscle contraction
  • Usage:
    • facilitate mechanical ventilation and tracheal intubation
    • increase muscle relaxation during surgery which allows for lower doses of general anesthetics
  • Must be injected
    • not absorbed from GI 
  • Time to onset of action: usually less than two minutes 
  • Once administered,
    • these agents paralyze small fast contracting muscle first, eg, eyes, face, fingers
    • then larger muscles of neck trunk and limbs
    • lastly diaphragm 
    • Muscles recover in the reverse manner

Nondepolarizing agents

Choice of an agent typically depends on the desired onset and duration of the muscle relaxation

Clinical duration: a time measured from administration to recovery of 25% of baseline muscle strength

  • Cisatracurium: 90 minutes
  • Pancuronium: 90 minutes
  • Rocuronium: 40 minutes 
  • Vecuronium: 40 minutes  
  • Atracurium: 40 minutes 

Side effects

1. Atracurium

  • causes histamine release which results in
    • fall in blood pressure 
    • flushing
    • bronchoconstriction
  • toxic metabolite---laudanosine
  • provoke seizures especially in patients with impaired renal function

*Hence, Atracurium has been largely replaced by its isomer Cisatracurium

2. Cisatracurium

  • less likely to produce the same adverse effects
    • as metabolism is independent of hepatic or renal function

*Cisatracurium is often used in patients with multi-organ failure

3. Vecuronium and Rocuronium

  • safe and have minimal side effects
  • metabolized by liver so their action may be prolonged in patients with hepatic dysfunction

4. Pancuronium

  • increase in heart rate
  • Pancuronium is excreted unchanged in urine

cii. Depolarizing agents

Act as acetylcholine receptor agonists, they mimic the acetylcholine.

However they are much more resistant to degradation by acetylcholinesterase and therefore produce persistent depolarization.

i. Succinylcholine

  • binds to the nicotinic receptor
  • unlike the nondepolarizing agents, it actually causes the sodium channel to open which results in membrane depolarization
  • Usage: 
    • facilitate rapid sequence endotracheal intubation in critically ill patients
      • rapid onset of action
    • provide adequate muscle relaxation during electroconvulsive therapy (intravenous)
      • complete muscle relaxation: within one minute 
      • the effects typically last up to ten minutes


Phase-1 block

because Succinylcholine is resistant to acetylcholinesterase, it causes prolonged depolarization which leads to a transient fasciculations and finally flaccid paralysis.

Phase-1 block

Phase-2 block

Eventually sodium channel closes and membrane repolarizes. However due to continued stimulation by Succinylcholine the receptor becomes desensitized to acetylcholine. Thus, preventing formation of further action potentials. 

Adverse effects of Succinylcholine

  • Prolonged Apnea
    • due to rapid redistribution and hydrolysis by plasma pseudocholinesterase
    • patients deficient in plasma pseudocholinesterase or patients who have genetic variation of this enzyme
  • Hyperkalemia
    • prolonged depolarization caused by Succinylcholine, leads to continued flow of potassium into the extracellular fluid

*In patients with normal potassium levels this is usually not a big issue

However in those with elevated potassium levels, eg. due to burns or large tissue damage, can cause serious EKG changes, and even in severe cases asystole.

  • Malignant hyperthermia
    • In genetically susceptible patients, Succinylcholine can trigger rare and potentially fatal condition
    • Symptoms of malignant hyperthermia: 
      • severe muscle contractions 
      • dangerously high body temperature---43 degrees Celsius


5. Reference


【Pharmacology】Adrenergic drug (adrenergic agonists)


【Neuro & Pharmacology】Autonomic Division


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内容: 1. 免疫力介绍      a. T 细胞      b. B 细胞      c. NK 细胞      d. 巨噬细胞      e. 细胞因子 2. 免疫调节中药的应用      a. 增强免疫      b. 抑制免疫      c.双向调节免疫 3. 抗炎 4. 整理 5. 参考文献 1. 免疫力 是人体的防御机制,通过识别和消灭外来侵入的任何异物,来达到保护人体的功效。 中医讲究“防未病”,“正气存内,邪不可干”。在某种意义上,正气相当于免疫力。 如今,新冠肺炎肆虐全球,病毒不断变种,是人们措手不及。 此时,我们应注重提高自身的免疫力,以达到防治新冠肺炎的重要作用。 许多中药不仅能“祛邪”,还能“扶正”,帮助提高机体免疫功能以抵御疾病。 中药调节免疫功能不仅能增强免疫,还有些中药可调节过度的免疫反应,缓解炎症风暴所致的损伤。 中药对于机体免疫系统的调节功能与T 细胞、B 细胞、NK 细胞、巨噬细胞以及细胞因子的产生和活性密切相关。 T 细胞 (T lymphocytes): 直接杀死受感染的宿主细胞 激活其他免疫细胞,产生抗体 产生细胞因子 (cytokines),调节免疫反应。 B 细胞 (B lymphocyte): 产生抗体:制造称为抗体的 Y 形蛋白质 Y 形蛋白质可锁定 & 标记入侵细胞 不直接参与消灭:标记让其他免疫细胞破坏 NK 细胞 (natural killer cell): 顾名思义,其功能为杀死异常的细胞 控制感染:通过限制其扩散 & 随后的组织损伤 巨噬细胞(macrophage): 具有强大的识别、吞噬、清除细菌及外来异物的功能 细胞因子 (cytokines): 是一种信号蛋白,调节炎症反应 调节不当,会导致細胞因子風暴 (Cytokine storm) 由各种免疫细胞,包括巨噬细胞、淋巴细胞 2. 免疫调节中药的应用 2a.增强免疫 “正气存内,邪不可干”,而参类可大补元气、补气活血、滋养脏腑之气,因此参类能增强免疫,如: 人参 (Ginseng) & 丹参 (Danshen Root) 人参和丹参提取物:对流感病毒A 感染小鼠具有免疫调节作用,能促进肺特异性抗体IgA 的产生 明党参 (Changium smyrnioides Wolff) 明党参煎液和多糖:显著增加小鼠胸腺指数、脾指数、外

【Pathology question】General Pathology part 2

【Pathology question】General Pathology part 2 DIRECTIONS : Each item below contains a question or incomplete statement followed by suggested responses. Select the one best response to each question. 51. A 9-year-old boy suddenly develops severe testicular pain. He is taken to the emergency room, where he is evaluated and immediately taken to surgery. There his left testis is found to be markedly hemorrhagic due to testicular torsion. This abnormality caused a hemorrhagic testicular infarction because of      a. Arterial occlusion      b. Septic infarction      c. The collateral blood supply of the testis      d. The dual blood supply of the testis      e. Venous occlusion ANS: E Note: Infarcts are localized areas of ischemic coagulative necrosis.  They can be classified on the basis of their color into either red or white infarcts, or by the presence or absence of bacterial contamination into either septic or bland infarcts. White infarcts : pale or anemic infarcts, are usually the res


抗病毒药物(antiviral drug) 是一类用于特异性治疗病毒感染的药物。但抗病毒药物非万能药,其原因为它无杀死病毒的功能,而是通过干扰病毒复制周期的某个环节,实现抵抗病毒的进一步感染。 病毒复制周期: 吸附 ⏩ 侵入 ⏩ 脱壳 ⏩ 病毒大分子的合成 (核酸 & 蛋白质) ⏩ 病毒的装配与释放 抗病毒药物的功效: 直接抑制或杀灭病毒 干扰病毒吸附 阻止病毒穿入细胞 抑制病毒生物合成 抑制病毒释放 增强宿主抗病毒能力 与抗生素的差别? 抗病毒药物:抑制病毒的发展 抗生素:消灭细菌 与杀病毒剂(viricide)的差别? 抗病毒药物:抑制体内的病毒 杀病毒剂:消灭体外的病毒 以下内容皆从 余亚茹, 鲁鹏飞, 王红霞, & 黄宝康. (2020, May 1).  中药防治新型冠状病毒肺炎概述 . 药学实践杂志. 所整理出来的 9个具有抗病毒的中药 1. 金银花 Honeysuckle Flower  功效:清热解毒,疏散风热 适用于:风热感冒,温病发热 有效成分:有机酸类、黄酮类、三萜皂苷类、挥发油类 绿原酸 、咖啡酸、槲皮素、木樨草苷: 抗流感病毒的活性成分 抑制甲型流感病毒、病毒性心肌炎、疱疹病毒及腺病毒 绿原酸、咖啡酸 :与流感病毒被膜上的神经氨酸酶结合, 抑制流感病毒的早期复制 金银花多糖: 减轻肺病变程度、增强机体免疫力 其降低甲型流感病毒FM1 株滴鼻感染小鼠的死亡率,延长小鼠的生存时间,减轻肺病变程度,抗病毒 植物miRNA-miR2911 新型的抗流感病毒成分 结构稳定、耐煎煮,在体内肺部富集 直接靶向H1N1、H5N1 和H7N9 甲型流感病毒 抑制H1N1 编码的PB2 和NS1 蛋白的表达 → 抑制病毒复制   miR2911: 抑制H5N1 和H7N9 甲型流感病毒 (在体内、体外均可) 2. 麻黄 Herbs Ephedrae 功效:发汗解表 适用:风寒感冒,胸闷喘咳 有效成分:生物碱类成分 甲基麻黄碱、L-麻黄碱 & D-伪麻黄碱 抑制甲型流感病毒的 体外增殖 麻黄碱:抑制H1N1 型流感病毒对 犬肾细胞 的感染,并呈浓度依赖性。 3. 黄岑 Baikal Sk

【Pharmacology】CHP 1 General Principles

CHP 1 General Principles DIRECTIONS: Each item below contains a question or incomplete statement followed by suggested responses. Select the one best response to each question. 1. Of the many types of data plots that are used to help explain the pharmacodynamics of drugs, which plot is very useful for determining the total number of receptors and the affinity of a drug for those receptors in a tissue or membrane?      a. Graded dose-response curve      b. Quantal dose-response curve      c. Scatchard plot      d. Double-reciprocal plot      e. Michaelis-Menten plot ANS: C Note:  Based on the concept that, for most situations, the association of a drug with its receptor is reversible, the following reaction applies: where D is the concentration of free drug, R is the concentration of receptors, DR is the concentration of drug bound to its receptors, and KD (equal to k2/k1) is the equilibrium dissociation constant. The affinity of a drug for its receptor is estimated from the dissociatio

【Acupoints】治疗消渴病 / 糖尿病的穴位

治疗糖尿病的穴位 关于糖尿病: 【TCM】糖尿病 / 消渴症 Diabetes mellitus 【Pharmacology】Drug for diabetes i. 体针 上消(肺热津伤) 肺俞、 脾俞 、 胰俞 、尺泽、 曲池 、廉泉、承浆、 足三里 、 三阴交 *烦渴、口干 +金津、玉液 中消(胃热炽盛) 脾俞 、胃俞、 胰俞 、 足三里 、 三阴交 、内庭、 中脘 、阴陵泉、 曲池 、 合谷 *大便秘结 + 天枢 、支沟 下消(肾阴亏虚) 肾俞 、 关元 、 三阴交 、 太溪 *视物模糊 +太冲、光明 阴阳两虚 气海 、 关元 、 肾俞 、命门、 三阴交 、 太溪 、复溜 ii. 按摩 肥胖或超重患者:腹部按摩 中脘 、水分、 气海 、 关元 、 天枢 、水道等 点穴减肥: 合谷 、内关、 足三里 、 三阴交 按顺序: 1. 肺俞 【位置】位于第三胸椎棘突下,后正中线旁开1.5寸, 属膀胱经。 【主治】咳嗽,气喘,吐血,骨蒸,潮热,盗汗,鼻塞。 【糖尿病应用】上消(肺热津伤) 2. 脾俞 【位置】在脊柱区,第11胸椎棘突下,后正中线旁开1.5寸,属膀胱经。 【主治】 消化系统疾病,例如腹胀,腹痛,胃痛,呕吐,泄泻,黄疸,急、慢性胃炎,胃痉挛,胃下垂,神经性呕吐,肝炎,细菌性痢疾。 肾炎,贫血,糖尿病,水肿,进行性肌营养不良。 血证,例如吐血,便血,尿血,慢性出血性疾患。 【糖尿病应用】上消(肺热津伤)、中消(胃热炽盛) 3. 胰俞 【位置】在第8胸椎棘突下旁开1.5寸,膈下穴与肝俞穴 【主治】胃脘痛,呃逆,口苦咽干,大便不调,多饮多尿,盗汗遗精,痛痛厌食,酸楚楚 【糖尿病应用】上消(肺热津伤)、中消(胃热炽盛) 4. 尺泽 【位置】让患者采用正坐、仰掌并微曲肘的取穴姿势,尺泽穴位于人体的手臂肘部,取穴时先将手臂上举,在手臂内侧中央处有粗腱,腱的外侧外即是此穴(或在肘横纹中,肱二头肌桡侧凹陷处)。 【主治】主治咳嗽,气喘,咯血、胸部烦满,咽喉肿痛,肘臂挛痛等。 【糖尿病应用】上消(肺热津伤) 5. 曲池 【位置】屈肘成直角,当肘弯横纹尽头处;屈肘,于尺泽与肱骨外上髁连线的中点处取穴。 【主治】手臂痹痛、上肢不遂、热病、高血压、癫狂;腹痛、吐泻、咽喉肿痛、齿痛、目赤肿痛,瘾疹、湿疹、瘰疬等 【糖尿病应用】上消(肺热津伤) 6. 廉泉 【位置】人体的颈部,当前正中

【方剂学练习题】 各论:第十七章 祛痰剂

  【方剂学练习题】 各论:第十七章 祛痰剂 答案: 选择题 名词解释 66. 凡以消除痰涎作用为主,用于治疗各种痰病的方剂,统称为祛痰剂。   是非改错题 填空题 简答题 93. 凡以消除痰涎作用为主,用于治疗各种痰病的方剂,统称为祛痰剂。属于 “ 八法 ” 中 “ 消法 ” 的范畴。痰随气而升降流行,气滞则痰聚,气顺则痰消。诚如庞安常所言: “ 善治痰者,不治痰而治气,气顺则一身津液亦随气而顺矣。 ” 故祛痰剂中常配伍理气药。至于痰流经络、肌腠而为瘰疬、痰核者,又常结合软坚散结之品,随其虚实寒热而调之。   94. 滚痰丸主治实热老痰证。治宜泻火逐痰。方中礞石味甘咸而性平质重,咸能软坚,质重沉坠,下气坠痰以攻逐陈积伏匿之顽痰,并平肝镇惊而治痰火上攻之惊痫,且制以火硝,《本草问答》谓: “ 礞石,必用火硝煅过,性始能发,乃能坠痰,不煅则石质不化,药性不发。又毒不散,故必煅用。 ” 煅后攻逐下行之力尤强,为治顽痰之要药,故以之为君。   95. 二陈汤主治湿痰证。方中用半夏、橘红等药燥湿化痰,恐辛温香燥耗肺伤阴,故配伍少许乌梅收敛肺气,与半夏相伍,散中有收,使祛痰而不伤正,且有 “ 欲劫之而先聚之 ” 之意,为佐药。   96. 半夏白术天麻汤主治风痰上扰证。症见眩晕,头痛,胸膈痞闷,恶心呕吐,舌苔白腻,脉弦滑。其功效为化痰息风,健脾祛湿。本方乃二陈汤去乌梅,加天麻、白术、大枣而成。方中半夏辛温而燥,燥湿化痰,降逆止呕;天麻甘平而润,入肝经,善于平肝息风而止眩晕。二者配伍,长于化痰息风, “ 头旋眼花,非天麻、半夏不除 ” ,共为君药。白术健脾燥湿; 茯苓健脾渗湿,以治生痰之本,与半夏、天麻配伍,加强化痰息风之效,共为臣药。橘红理气化 痰,使气顺痰消,为佐药。使以甘草调药和中,煎加姜、枣以调和脾 胃。诸药合用,共奏化痰息风、健脾祛湿之效。   97. 祛痰剂中每多配伍健脾祛湿之药,有时酌配益肾之品,以杜绝生痰之本,而图标本同治,因痰饮常由湿聚而成,而湿主要源之于脾。正如《医宗必读》中说:“脾为生痰之源,治痰不理脾胃,非其治也。”强调治痰当健脾,脾复健运之常,而痰自化矣。然痰饮与肾亦有密切关系,如肾不至水,则水泛为痰,故《景岳全书》中说:“五脏之病,虽俱能生痰,然无不由乎脾肾。”张介宾并指出“善治痰者,惟能使之不生,方是补夭之手”。   98.


高跟鞋女性如何养生 内容: 为什么职业女性都要穿上高跟鞋? 优美的代价。。。 如何保养及足部按摩? 参考文献 为什么职业女性都要穿上高跟鞋? 1. 更有女性气质 有研究表明,当女性穿高跟鞋时,步伐会更小更快,走路时膝盖和髋部的弯曲程度都较小,而胯骨的旋转和倾斜程度增大。”也就说明,女性穿高跟鞋时走路更女性化,因此可以让她们看上去更有女性气质。 2. 更有活力 穿上高跟鞋除了能使人视觉上高一些,也能使人背部自然的呈弧形,产生一个挺胸抬头的作用。如今使女性看起来更优雅及有活力。 中医方面也对此有所解释。穿高跟鞋时,脚尖点地支撑身躯的重量,在脚尖中又以足大趾为主要着力点,而足大趾是足厥阴肝经的起点,足厥阴肝经的作用是调动肾中所藏之精气上达于心,并外输于四肢百骸,使人体处于一种生机勃发的状态。因此,穿上高跟鞋的女性就处于让肝经兴奋、精气外泄的状态,使人看起来有生气、有活力。 优美的代价。。。 1. 容易诱发趾外翻、趾囊炎、锤状趾、趾骨头缺血性坏死等疾患 因为现代职业女性工作压力大、工时长,长时间穿高跟鞋,导致身体重心前移,全身 60% 的重量需要前脚掌支撑,使足尖负重增大。 如果穿上前部是尖的高跟鞋,女性得将类似于方形的足前部挤进锥形的窄小的鞋尖内,则更使双足备受折磨。如此,女性将容易有足部的疾病,如诱发趾外翻、趾囊炎、锤状趾、趾骨头缺血性坏死等疾患。 2. 腰痛 如同前面所述,穿上高跟鞋,能使人背部呈现弧形。但穿久,则导致过度的腰部后伸,背肌收缩绷紧,腰椎小关节和关节囊处于紧张状态。从而造成关节囊和腰背肌就会发生劳损,引起腰痛。 3. 月经不调 因足厥阴肝经一直处于兴奋的状态,导致肝火上逆、肾中精气外泄过度,阴虚而火旺。 《灵枢·经脉第十》曰:“肝足厥阴之脉,起于大趾丛毛之际,上循足跗上廉,去内踝一寸,上踝八寸,交出太阴之后,上腘内廉,循股阴,入毛中, 过阴器,抵小腹 ,挟胃,属肝,络胆,上贯膈,布胁肋,循喉咙之后,上入颃颡,连目系,上出额,与督脉会于巅;其支者,从目系下颊里,环唇内;其支者,复从肝,别贯膈,上注肺。” 足厥阴肝经循行的部位包含二阴、小腹。因此,肝火旺盛会导致月经不调,如月经提前、延后或过少等病变。 4. 乳房胀痛,乳腺增生 职业女性压力大,情志不遂时,则导致足厥阴肝经气“上贯膈,布胁肋”之时,造成肝气不舒,郁结而成乳房胀痛,乳腺增生。 5. 口干咽痒 肾