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【Neuro】Pesticides-induced Parkinson’s Disease

Pesticides-induced Parkinson’s Disease Excess usage of insecticides leads to contamination of water source and soil. The toxicity of the pesticides may react to the environment and result in ecological disturbance and even species extinction.  Pesticides taken in human body by drinking and food ingestion may act as the neurotoxin and carcinogens that affect humans’ health, especially the nervous system.  Content: 1. The classification of insecticide 2. Mechanism of organophosphates & carbamates 3. Syndrome 4. Comparison between organophosphates & carbamates 5. Parkinson’s disease (PD)  6. Reference 1. The classification of insecticide There are four main chemical components under the classification of insecticide: Organophosphates (OPs) Carbamates Pyrethroids Organochlorine Among all the others, OPs and carbamates are found to be the frequently used insecticides that contain compounds that may lead to Parkinson’s disease (PD).  Organophosphates  Organoph...

【TCM & Neuro】中药治疗抑郁 Herbs that treat Depression

抑郁症 抑郁症是一种常见的危害人类身心健康的情感障碍类疾病。主要表现为心境持续低落,并伴有思维迟缓、认知功能降低等症状,病情严重者甚至会出现自杀自残。 中医虽无抑郁的病名,但有其相关记载,如“百合病”、“癫病”、“脏躁”、“梅核气”、“奔豚”等。故抑郁症归属于中医学“郁证”的范畴。  Review:  【Pharmacology】Antidepressants Related topic:  【Neuro】23 rare behavioral and mental disorders   【Neuro】Bipolar disorder 内容: 1. 病因病机 2. 证型      a. 肝郁脾虚      b. 肝郁痰阻      c. 肝郁气滞      d. 心脾两虚      e. 心肾不交      f. 气滞血瘀 3. 中药对治疗抑郁      a. 柴胡-白芍      b. 栀子--川芎      c. 百合--知母 4. 中药对治疗抑郁症的症状      a. 头痛      b. 两胁胀痛      c. 腹痛      d. 脾胃虚弱、寒痰停积、食不下咽、呕逆恶心      e. 两胁作胀,腹胀嗳气      f. 虚烦不眠      g. 心神不宁、情志不遂所致失眠 5. 中药复方治疗抑郁证      i. 逍遥散      ii. 丹栀逍遥散      iii. 柴胡疏肝散      iv. 四逆散      v. 半夏厚朴汤      vi. 归脾汤 6....

【Neuro】Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder formerly called manic depression a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings that include emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression). Episodes of mood swings may occur rarely or multiple times a year. While most people will experience some emotional symptoms between episodes, some may not experience any. Content: 1. Type 2. Difference between the types 3. Symptoms 4. Cause 5. Risk factors 6. Treatment 7. Prevention 8. Reference 1. Type Bipolar I disorder.  at least one manic episode that may be preceded or followed by hypomanic or major depressive episodes.  In some cases, mania may trigger a break from reality (psychosis). Bipolar II disorder.  at least one major depressive episode  at least one hypomanic episode never had a manic episode. Cyclothymic disorder at least two years  eg, one year in children and teenagers  of many periods of hypomania symptoms and periods of depressive symptoms (though less severe...

【Neuro & Pharmacology】Autonomic Division

 Autonomic Division Autonomic (autonomous: self-governing) or called visceral nervous system (it control over internal organs) Subdivided into:  -sympathetic system: stressful situations, fight-or-flight response -parasympathetic systems (para-, beside or alongside): resting, digestion Autonomic Pathways have two Efferent Neurons in Series Content: 1. The anatomical differences of two autonomic branches 2. Function of Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous system 3. The anatomy and chemical communication of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems 4. The synthesis and breakdown of autonomic neurotransmitters 5. Adrenal medulla 6. Primary Disorders of the Autonomic Nervous System 1. The anatomical differences of two autonomic branches The pathways’ point of origin in the CNS  The location of the autonomic ganglia. Characteristic Sympathetic Parasympathetic Origin in the CNS Thoracic and lumbar segments B...

【Neuro】23 rare behavioral and mental disorders

 A simple sort-out syndrome of 23 rare behavioral and mental disorders. All information obtain from the internet. 1. Capgras syndrome Syndrome : An irrational belief that someone they know or recognize has been replaced by an imposter. Associated:  Alzheimer’s disease, Schizophrenia, Brain injury 2. Fregoli delusion  Syndrome: A   mistaken belief that some person currently present in the deluded person's environment (typically a stranger) is a familiar person in disguise.  Associated: Alzheimer’s disease, Schizophrenia, Brain injury 3. Cotard syndrome Syndrome : A series of delusions that range from a belief that one has lost organs, blood, or body parts to insisting that one has lost one's soul or is dead. Associated: Dementia, Encephalopathy, Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Stroke, Subdural bleeding, Epilepsy, and Migraine. 4. Reduplicative paramnesia Syndrome: Delusional belief that a place or location has been duplicated, existing in two o...