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Hereditary spastic paraplegia type 4

This blog will discuss  Hereditary spastic paraplegia type 4, from the aspect of pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment. I will mainly focus on pathophysiology.      Content: 1. What is Hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP) 2. Types of HSP 3. Epidemiology 4. Corticospinal tract 5. SPG4 6. Spastin domain & isoform 7. Spastin function 8. Mutation 9. Diagnosis 10. Treatment & Prevention 11. References 1. What is Hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP)? H ereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP) is also known as familial spastic paraparesis (FSP), or Strümpell-Lorrain syndrome.  The definition of the HSP can be learned through its name  "HEREDITARY": inherited; "SPASTIC": means the increase of muscle tone; "PARAPLEGIA": a type of paralysis that affects the lower half of body.  So HSP refers to a group of rare, inherited, and degenerative neurological disorders with a defining feature of prominent lower extremity spasticity due to the degeneration of upper motor