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【Pathology question】General Pathology part 1

【Pathology question】General Pathology part 1 DIRECTIONS : Each item below contains a question or incomplete statement followed by suggested responses. Select the one best response to each question. 1. Increased lipolysis of fat stores, which can result from starvation, diabetes mellitus, or corticosteroid use, is most likely to cause steatosis (fatty liver) through which one of the listed mechanisms?      a. Decreased free fatty acid excretion from the liver leads to free fatty acid accumulation in                               hepatocytes      b. Excess NADH (high NADH/NAD ratio) causes excess production of lactate from pyruvate, which           accumulates in hepatocytes      c. Increased free fatty acid delivery to the liver leads to triglyceride accumulation in hepatocytes      d. Inhibition of apoprotein synthesis by the liver leads to phospholipid accumulation in hepatocytes      e. Inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase activity leads to cholesterol accumulation in hepatocytes      AN